Baze After Stayman Slam Tool
Playing in Baltimore with Kathy last week we lost one match where we stopped in game and the opponents bid a slam. Here’s what happened: She opened 1NT (14+ to 17, but in practice she never does it with fewer…
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Pete's Bridge Blog: Lessons and Miscellany about Duplicate Bridge
Playing in Baltimore with Kathy last week we lost one match where we stopped in game and the opponents bid a slam. Here’s what happened: She opened 1NT (14+ to 17, but in practice she never does it with fewer…
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In my regular partnership with Tom Smith we play an interesting Roman-style three-suited 2D opener with a broad range, 11-20 HCP. This seems to have a few adherents in the Virginia Peninsula Unit 110. When the hand has 11-15 HCP…
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Ken from Norfolk writes: A question arose recently in play; to wit: if I play inverted minors how weak is weak? I was told by the opposition that it is less than 6. I had assume it was 6-9 as it ‘inverted’…
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