This lesson plan was developed by Eddie Kantar. As Eddie says, “In order to become a competent declarer you must train yourself to count declarer’s distribution, point count, and tricks.” Here are the sources of information you need to assimilate in order to do this.
- The Bidding.
- What suits did declarer ______ ?
- Did declarer _______ any suits?
- Did declarer open a _______ at the one level and rebid a ______ at the one level?
- Opponent’s Bidding Conventions. Some of these reveal distribution. Specific examples that you don’t need to memorize, but you do need to have a general idea of:
- Flannery 2D opener shows _____ hearts and _____ spades. Some play that the opener could have 6 hearts. If their explanation is just “Flannery” you need to ask them this specific question.
- Mini-Roman 2D opener shows a ______ suited hand, typically 4-4-4-1 or 4-4-5-0 distribution. Some play that it guarantees a ______ suit.
- Short Club people promise 4 or more when they open ______ . Montreal Relay people (a number of these in Williamsburg) promise 5 or more.
- The Opening Lead
- Honor leads generally clarify the position quickly.
- Lead A from AKx(x) at trick 1 in unsupported suits.
- Partner’s Count Signals
- Primary signal when the ______________ side attacks a suit.
- With odd number, play _________ then ___________ . (standard count)
- With even number, play _________ then _________ . (standard count)
- Partner’s Discards, both encouraging and discouraging.
- Discouraging discards allow you to infer that _______ has missing honors.
- Honor card discards: Discard the ______ honor in a sequence of 3 or more.
- Someone Shows Out or Partner Follows with Highest Missing Card.
- Most common in the trump suit.
- Example: Partner follows low once under Declarer’s A and then plays the Q under Declarer’s K. Partner should have _______ remaining in the suit.
- Inferences
- Declarer fails to attack a near ________ suit in the dummy. Examples: AQJxx, KQJxx. The missing honor is probably with ____________ .
- Positional holding in front of or behind dummy. Example: Dummy has AQJxx in a suit. If you have K10xx you will get _____ tricks. If you have xxx declarer will likely get ______ tricks.
Why This Is Important
If you can do this you will know what your strategy should be if you get in. If you know declarer is short a trick or more then you play __________. However, if declarer has established all of their tricks using three suits it is imperative that you switch to the ________ suit.