Hi all. Our next lesson will be Thursday morning at the Bridge Center. I’ll be continuing the lesson on defense that I started last time. I’m using a Bridge World article as my lesson plan. Here’s a quick review of some of what we discussed last time:
1. Mid-hand, if you’re leading a spot card in a suit then lead a low one if you want the suit returned but lead a high one if you want partner to shift.
2. Against NT contracts, if you win partner’s opening lead and are going to return the suit then lead your original fourth best if you started with 4 or more in the suit. If you started with 3 in the suit return your higher card. This will help your partner know whether to keep playing them or not.
3. Second hand should usually cover an honor with an honor, but only if there’s a chance of promoting something in your hand or your partner’s hand. For example, if Dummy has AQ10 in a suit, you have the K and declarer leads the J then don’t cover. It can’t help your side. On the other hand, if Dummy has AQ3 in the suit and declarer leads the J then you should cover. Your partner might have the 10 which will score on the third round of the suit.
4. If you’re third hand, watch for situations where Dummy has Qxx or Kxx and you have AJx, A10x, or even sometimes A9x. Don’t automatically play “Third Hand High”. It’s often right to play your J,10, or 9 and preserve your A over dummy’s honor. To make it clear, suppose partner leads the J and Dummy has Q42, while you hold A96. Picture Declarer with K53. If you go up with the Ace then they get 2 tricks in the suit. If you duck then they only get one.