Weak Two Opening Bids: Criteria and Responding to Them
A General Note About Preempts
- The goal of a preempt is to consume _____________ ____________, making it harder for opponents to find their games and slams.
- Sometimes the one you’re preempting is your ___________ . This happens to all of us.
- A preemptive opening bid should have very little _______________ value, at most one trick outside the preempt suit.
Rule of 2-3-4
- A useful guideline is the Rule of 2-3-4, which is based on ________________ and the trick taking potential of the preemptors hand.
- At favorable vulnerability, you should be within ________ tricks of your bid in your hand.
- At equal vulnerability, you should be within ________ tricks of your bid in your hand.
- At unfavorable vulnerability, you should be within __________ tricks of your bid in your hand.
Positional Considerations
- When you are in first seat, there are _______ opponents and one partner who has yet to bid.
- When you are in second seat, there are ________ opponents and one partner who has yet to bid.
- When you are in third seat, there are ___________ opponents who has yet to bid.
- When you are in fourth seat, you don’t need to preempt!
- The best seat to preempt in is __________ seat, followed by ________ seat.
- The worst seat to preempt in is _________ seat.
- In this seat it is easier for the opponents to judge whether to try for their contract or to _________ yours, possibly doubled.
Weak Two Bid Dos and Don’ts
- __________ have a point range of 5-10 HCP in first or second seat.
- __________ have a six card suit with appropriate quality.
- 2 of the top 3 honors or 3 of the top 5 honors in first or second seat.
- High spot cards like 9s and 8s help!
- ___________ have a side four card major in first or second seat.
- ___________ have 2 outside defensive cards (A or K).
- Partner will be misled about your defensive potential and may take a phantom sacrifice.
- ___________ bid again unless forced by your partner.
- ____________ have a side void.
Responding to Partner’s Weak Two
- How good a _________ do I have for opener’s suit?
- How many _________ should I expect from my partner?
- How many _________ am I bringing to the table?
Raising Partner’s Suit
- Raising below game is just increasing the _________ and is based on the Law of _______ _________ .
- Opener _______ ________ bid again.
- Raising to game is a ______ _______ __________ .
- Could be extending the ____________ .
- Could be for a _______ with a good hand.
- Makes life difficult for the ____________ . Example: After partner opens 2H, a raise to 4H could be made on:
- S AJxx H Kxxx D AQx C Kx; or
- S Jxx H Kxxx D Qxx C Kx (how LAWful!)
Asking for More Information
- Mel Colchamiro’s Rule of 17. Add your _______ to the ________ of cards in your partner’s suit. If the total is 17 or higher then you should explore a game. If it’s below then just pass quietly unless you’re going to raise the preempt.
- Responder bids 2NT to ask opener for more information:
- Are you closer to the _____ of the range or the _______ of the range?
- If you’re near the top of the range, do you have an outside ______ or ________ as a “feature”?
- When opener is at the bottom of the range she just ________ her __________ .
- When opener is at the top of the range she bids her ____________ .
- If opener has a top hand with no feature, say AKQxxx and out, then opener rebids 3NT.
Bidding a New Suit
- Opener has a good hand (Rule of 17) and a _______ card suit.
- Responder’s new suit response to a weak two is _______________ !!! Opener has to bid something.
- Returning to ________ _______ is the weakest response; otherwise:
- Raising partner promises _______ card support; or
- Bid a second suit, could be as short as ______ cards.
- This is what you’ll do much of the time. It’s OK.
- Don’t bid a new suit or NT just because you have a singleton or void in your partner’s suit. Let the opponents rescue you.
Fourth Seat Opening Two Bids
- In fourth seat both opponents (and your partner) are ________ __________ . You don’t need to preempt them.
- Opening 2D, 2H, or 2S in fourth seat should be aimed at buying the part score hand and going plus.
- 6 card suit.
- 10-14 HCP or so.