Baze After Stayman Slam Tool
Playing in Baltimore with Kathy last week we lost one match where we stopped in game and the opponents bid a slam. Here’s what happened: She opened 1NT (14+ to 17, but in practice she never does it with fewer…
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Pete's Bridge Blog: Lessons and Miscellany about Duplicate Bridge
Playing in Baltimore with Kathy last week we lost one match where we stopped in game and the opponents bid a slam. Here’s what happened: She opened 1NT (14+ to 17, but in practice she never does it with fewer…
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The Worksheet is found here.
I’ll start on this lesson Thursday 2/18 at 9:30 AM. The worksheet is available here.
I recommend reading this article by Larry Cohen: “Tell, Don’t Ask” which explains why you shouldn’t automatically ask the opponents every time they alert something. Ethically the opponents are not supposed to be influenced by their partner’s answer to your question,…
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I plan on having lessons on the 2/4 and 2/18. The lesson on 2/4 will finish signaling at suit contracts. The worksheet is here.
The topic is “Signaling at Suit Contracts”. The worksheet is found here.
Hi all. I want to clarify a few items from today’s lesson. The potential for confusion was a bit higher today than usual because there were some treatments with alternatives. Furthermore, the choice in one area influences the choice in…
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Our next lesson will be on splinter bids. The worksheet can be found here.
This came up yesterday in a practice session with Kathy on BridgeBaron. You’re in a very dicey 3NT contract where you opened 1NT and your vulnerable LHO overcalled 2H (DONT, but it doesn’t really matter). You need to get 3…
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